Legal Information
Alexander Lloyd has compiled this information in good faith, but makes no representation and gives no warranty that the information is accurate, complete or up-to-date. Alexander Lloyd cannot be held responsible for any errors contained within this web-site or links available from within this web-site. Alexander Lloyd may make improvements and/or changes to the site at any time without notice.
You are allowed access to it only on the basis that the provisions of this notice apply to such access. You may not copy or distribute such information or anything displayed on the website without the prior written consent of Alexander Lloyd. The information displayed on this website is of a general nature only to provide information about Alexander Lloyd and its operations. You should not rely on it in specific circumstances without confirmation from Alexander Lloyd.
While every effort is made to keep all of the files that comprise this Site free from viruses, it is impossible to insure or guarantee that the Material is not “infected” with a virus. Due to these uncertainties, we cannot be held liable for any damages caused by viruses or any other problems with the Material or this Site.